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Save the Date: 2024 Injuries in the Throwing Athlete Conference Friday November 08, 2024

Members of the Oklahoma Throwing Athlete Association welcome the opportunity to speak to your organization about arm care! Experts in the field of strengthening, arm care and injury prevention will work with your organization to schedule educational opportunities for FREE! Please contact us at to schedule an event!

Past Events


Join us for a hands-on cadaver lab learning the latest techniques in shoulder arthroscopy/labral repairs and elbow UCL repair/reconstruction

Athlete Event

Join medical professionals, coaches and athletes to discuss current trends, prevention strategies and treatment recommendations surrounding shoulder and elbow injuries in the throwing athlete

Event Conference

All members of the Oklahoma Throwing Athlete Association are dedicated to promoting education and awareness surrounding injury prevention and treatment.

It is our desire to help provide credible resources to athletes, parents and coaches of all ages and skill levels.

Our team consists of experts from various fields related to throwing sports, such as orthopedic surgery, physical therapy, athletic training, sports medicine and coaching. We offer seminars, workshops, webinars and online courses on topics such as throwing mechanics, injury prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. We also collaborate with local schools, colleges and clubs to promote safe and healthy throwing practices.

Our vision is to be the leading authority on throwing injuries in Oklahoma and beyond. We hope to help throwing athletes of all ages and levels achieve their goals and enjoy their sport without compromising their health and well-being.

The members of the Oklahoma Throwing Athlete Association welcome the opportunity to speak to your organization about arm care! Please contact us at [javascript protected email address] to schedule an event.

Event New

Dr. Nelson and Dr. Frazier spend time on a Saturday morning with a local baseball organization discussing the importance of injury prevention and communication

Event 4

Members of the Oklahoma Throwing Athlete Association present at the annual Injuries in the Throwing Athlete Conference

  • Event1
  • Event 6

Members of the OTAA spend an evening at a local baseball facility discussing arm care programs and tips for college recruitment


Providers throughout the Oklahoma community gather to review current literature and discuss journal articles related to the treatment of throwing athletes.

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